This is us - The Sanderstead Horticultural Society, the finest horticultural society in Sanderstead some say…. 

Originally formed in 1941, during the second world war at the time of the “Dig for Victory” campaign. This was the government sponsored initiative to encourage the nation to grow their own food and so help the war effort. The aim of the Society then was to promote the cultivation of gardens and allotments, hold lectures, exhibitions and competitions. Eighty plus years later this is still very much what today’s Society tries to do.

Each year we hold five sessions when visiting speakers come to share their expertise with us, all on horticulturally related themes. Coach excursions to interesting gardens are organised and three traditional flower shows, all designed to foster an interest in growing flowers, fruit and vegetables, are held in the Spring, Summer and Autumn.

Sanderstead Horticultural Society is particularly keen to attract beginners and young people to one of the most enjoyable and health promoting activities imaginable.

All of this for just £6 per household per year. What a bargain! Why not, join SHS now by going to our Membership page

Colin Jones, President and Julie Caplin, Chair


Sanderstead Horticultural Society is exempt from registration with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The Society holds and processes your information in order to keep you informed about the Society and to maintain your membership. We will continue to do this until you withdraw consent or it is determined that your consent no longer exists.

Sanderstead Horticultural Society does not share personal information with any third parties.